10 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Learning French

Bonjour a tous, Perplexed, What is this? What am I speaking about? Well, let me tell you that this phrase has been extracted from the French language which means “Hello everyone”. Furthermore, are you also interested in pursuing a French language course? Are you scared of making common mistakes when learning French, need not worry you can learn French easily. Moreover, You just need to follow some simple rules and you can also gain confidence and speak like a native speaker. Consequently, In this blog, I will discuss 10 common mistakes to avoid when learning French.

10 Common Mistakes To Avoid When Learning French

Learning French

1. Be Oblivious to Pronunciation Rules when Learning French

Some people give importance to pronunciation and some people overlook it. Moreover, The best way is to avoid pronunciation rules, especially silent letters. Focus on the sounds of each French alphabet, practice the sound regularly and follow phonetics guides. 

For Example: 

Using Penser de instead of Penser `a

In English, we say “ I am thinking of you”, in French we say “Je pense `a toi” (means: I am thinking of you).

2. Translation from English

 Most people translate sentences from the English language directly which leads to incorrect sentences. However, This is the most common mistake that a person makes. Consequently, They find it easier to translate directly from the English language.

Avoid translating French sentences from English sentences. Furthermore, Submerge yourself in French by reading, listening, and using media and interacting with native speakers to enhance your French language skills.

3. Verb compound

Verbs can be tough with their various compounds with different tenses that might be confusing and lead to errors. However, French verbs are quite different from English verbs, hence, you should avoid verb compounds.

Practice verb compounds regularly and use the tables or any apps or read French grammar books to learn appropriate verb compounds.

Are you aware of Reflexive verbs? They are the verbs starting with se:

  • Se lever ( “To stand up”)
  • Se souvenir (“To remember”)

Here are some examples of verb compound

  • Elle s’habille. (“she dresses.”- Literally: “she dresses herself.”)
  • Nous nous asseyons. (“we sit.”- Literallt: “we sit ourselves.”)

We also use etre for a few other verbs, 

Some examples:

  • Venir
  • Aller
  • Enter
  • Sortir
  • Arriver
  • Partir
  • Tomber
  • Monter
  • Rester
  • Retourner
  • Descendre
  • passer

4. Gender And Agreement

Practice correct gender is very essential. 

The masculine indefinite article un (a/an) is used before masculine nouns whereas une (a/an) is used for feminine nouns. For example:

  • Un livre (a book)
  • Une pomme (an apple)

In the masculine form, these words are written as mon/ton/son (my/your/his)

In the feminine form, these words are written as ma/ta/sa (my/your/her)

Take the noun “cousin”, for example:

  • Mon cousin – my (male) cousin
  • Ma cousine – my(female) cousin
  • Mes cousins – my cousins

5. Skipping Listening Practice when Learning French

Many learners pivot on reading and writing skills and fail to take care of listening skills. However, French is a language with various modulations in pronunciation. Thus it is essential to listen to French via news, audio, pods, and French conversations will improve reading, writing, speaking and comprehending the French language. 

6. Complex Grammar

French grammar is complex. However, if you want to learn quickly then you will be trapped. Better if you do not learn grammar quickly then you will get frustrated and you will lose. Additionally, It would be better to start from basic so that you can get proper knowledge and understand it well. Furthermore, Focus on speaking, reading and understanding the language before plunging into a complex one.

For Example: 

Some adjectives that come before nouns are:

Bon- good

Mauvais- bad

Petit- small

Grand- big

Joli- pretty

7. Not Plunging Yourself in the Language

Plunging into any language is the key to learning the language effectively. However, relying only on one particular textbook would not give the best results. Additionally,  You need to engage yourself in conversation, watching TV, reading the newspaper, listening to audio, news, movies, and French music and also try to converse with native speakers.

8. Not Speaking Due to Fear of Making Mistakes

Learning French

Because of making mistakes, many people do not try to speak and they never learn. But because of making mistakes, many people learn. Moreover, Because of making mistakes, they will not be able to speak for a day without making mistakes, so one should practice speaking as much as one speaks. Furthermore, As their fluency increases, they will become confident and one day they can become a proficient speaker.

9. Pay No Attention To Permissive Mood 

Most people ignore conjunctive mood in French, especially when it comes to expressing emotion, and doubt. Consequently, Many learners ignore it to become perplexed. But it is essential to express so you should take your time and practice as much as you can, to understand in a better way.

10. Not Assessing Regularly

Not reviewing or assessing the previous lessons can lead to forgetting all the necessary vocabulary and grammar. Hence, it is important to assess yourself regularly. Furthermore, Reviewing old lessons will reinforce your learning skills and knowledge and improve you every day.

 Before concluding 10 common mistakes to avoid when learning French, have a look at the French language course by Watts Education, the top-ranked educational institute. 

Best Way for Learning French- Watts Education French Courses

learning french

 This institute provides certification courses with live online sessions, internships and job assistance as well. Consequently, Watts Education gives complete guidance and prepares the student in such a way that the future of the student can be made possible. You can join Watts Education if you wish to learn French online.

They are associated with 

  • College de Paris
  • TEFL Canada
  • MSME
  • ISO Certified and more.


A person can learn French effectively by curbing all these common mistakes. Furthermore,  Learning anything requires patience and practice. With regular practice, you will become fluent in French and you will become confident.

Recommended Reads

  1. Best 7 French Courses Online in 2024
  2. 7 Reasons To Enroll In Watts Education French Language Courses This Year
  3. Exploring the Innovative Features of Watts Education’s French Language Programs
  4. Unlocking Fluency: How Watts Education Enhances Your French Language Learning
  5. How Watts Education is Transforming French Courses Online


Q1. Is pronunciation important to learning French?

Ans: Yes,  Pronunciation is important to learn French because the French language has various complex sounds with silent letters that are different from the English language. 

Q2. What are the common mistakes made by beginners when learning French?

Ans: The common mistakes made by beginners are

  • Pronunciation
  • Gender
  • Verb compound
  • Translation from English

Q3. How to improve French pronunciation?

Ans: Improve French pronunciation by listening, reading, understanding, conversing with native speakers and regularly practising and assessing yourself.

Q4. Is it important to learn French grammar?

Ans: Yes, it is important to learn French grammar effectively to form correct sentences and avoid common errors.

Q5. How to know if I have made progress in French?

Ans: By assessing yourself and keeping a track record. 

Q6. Is it difficult to learn French?

Ans: No, it is not difficult to learn French.

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