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French Course

Concept of Vocabulary Flashcards in Learning?

Vocabulary flashcards are a learning method that assists users in memorizing and recalling words with their meanings. Typically, there is one word on one side of the card and its definition or translation that supplies context on the other. Such cards are used for studying languages, exam preparation, or enriching one's vocabulary in one particular sphere.

Steps to Review Vocabulary Flashcards

  • See the flashcards one by one

  • Tap on the speaker button to hear the pronunciation

  • Read the word and test, yourself if you know it

  • Flip the card to see the answer

  • Check if you are correct

  • Click on “next” for the next question

There are a total of 6 decks to choose from- Level A1, Level A2, Level B1, Level B2, Level C1 and Level C2. You can choose any deck to test your memory.

Why Are Vocabulary Flashcards Important?

  • Effective Memorization: Flashcards work best to remember the vocabulary because of active recall, which strengthens memory retention.

  • Portable and Handy: Physical or in digital format, flashcards are portable, hence allowing handiness in studying anywhere, any time, quite easily.

  • Customizable Learning: Flashcards can be tailored to your special learning needs by focusing on the kind of vocabulary that best fits your goals.

  • Reinforcement of Learning: The repetitional exposure to vocabulary by using flashcards aids in learning vocabulary more effectively; this makes it easier to memorize and use new words.

  • Suitable for Any Level: Flashcards are versatile and can work with any level of learner, from the very beginner to advanced students, so they remain useful throughout the language-learning period.

  • Keeping Interest and Attention: The simplicity of the flashcards helps to keep focus and interest during a study session. There is no overwhelming feeling, and it helps systematic learning.

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